People with a Passion for Systems Safety and Reliability 

That's us. We love systems, safety analysis and reliability prediction. We promote sound project economics backed by sound analysis, experiments and tests. Our clients manufacture extraordinary aerospace vehicles, innovative information delivery systems and complex, automatic aircraft and rotor-craft flight guidance and control systems. We provide technical know-how and hands-on assistance at any point in a project, where needed, when needed. 
Systems engineering tackles difficult interdisciplinary design questions to find the best balance between safety, reliability, performance, security and business requirements over a product's life cycle.  Our experts use mathematical models, physics and economics to help our clients determine appropriate product requirements, system architecture, Development Assurance Levels (DALs) and other product design and implementation aspects.

We can predict your product's mean time to failure, probability of malfunction, and overall availability before metal gets cut or drawings get released to manufacturing. We can tell you what parts contribute the most to field failures before the product's ever shipped, saving you time, reputation and money.  We can show your product's expected functional and economic performance before your customers take delivery, while you still have time to make changes.

We can help you plan and schedule your project, make design decisions, evaluate new product opportunities, and secure design, manufacturing and operational approvals in regulated markets.
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